Skin Allergy
Description: The research line aims to investigate the immunological mechanisms involved in skin / respiratory allergies, using experimental models. As well as the application and development of investigation methods in the allergic processes of skin expression (angioedema, urticaria, contact dermatitis, pharmacoderma), its immunomodulation and therapeutics.
Understands the projects:
Respiratory and skin allergy: study models
Skin allergy: therapeutic trials:
Contact and occupational dermatitis
Pharmacodermias (adverse drug reaction)
Cutaneous immunomodulation
Skin Autoimmunity
Description: This line of research aims to study the clinical, immunological, pathogenic, therapeutic response, and primary autoimmune cutaneous diseases or with skin involvement.
Understands the projects:
Wild Fire - Pathogenic aspects and Wild Fire Research Cooperative Group
Immunopathogenesis of Subepidermal Autoimmune Bullous Dermatoses
Research on Collagenoses
Characterization of Cutaneous Tissue Response
Description: In this line of research, we intend to investigate the participation of the cellular elements of the Lymphoid System Associated with the Skin, adhesion molecules and cytokines, in addition to the structural and functional changes of the extracellular matrix, for the characterization of the cutaneous tissue response in inflammatory processes. , infectious and neoplastic. The applied methodology consists of histopathological techniques, special staining techniques, immunohistochemistry (phenotyping of cellular elements, demonstration of adhesion molecules and cytokines, growth factors and mediators of integrity and damage to the extracellular matrix), molecular biology and morphometric methods for quantification in situ.
Understands the projects:
Dendritic cells in the cutaneous tissue response
Extracellular matrix - peculiar cutaneous aspects
Immunophenotypic and functional characterization of the elements, cellular and molecular, involved in the integumentary tissue response
Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses - Pathogenic Aspects
Description: Skin involvement by infectious and parasitic diseases is very frequent. The skin has its own mechanisms against the aggression of infectious agents. The objective of this line of research is to investigate the pathogenic mechanisms of infectious and parasitic dermatoses, in morphological, immunological and molecular aspects, as well as the investigation of new therapeutic agents and their effects.
This line of research comprises the projects:
Mycoses of dermatological interest: pathogenesis, pathology and immunopathology
Cutaneous leishmaniasis: pathogenesis, pathology and immunopathology
Tuberculosis and Mycobacterioses
Research on sexually transmitted diseases
Description: Genodermatoses comprise diseases of genetic inheritance that affect the skin in an expressive way. They are often rare diseases, but they take on importance due to their severity (such as neurocutaneous syndromes), potential for individuals' disability and interference with quality of life. In our country, due to the existence of geographic and cultural niches, favorable to the event of consanguinity, these diseases are observed with some frequency. With this line of research, it is intended to study genodermatoses in their clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects.
Understands the projects:
Identification, characterization and comparison of unusual genodermatoses in our environment
Ichthyosis - evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of retinoic acid derivatives in keratinization disorders
Invasive Methods in Dermatological Therapy
Description: Genodermatoses comprise diseases of genetic inheritance that affect the skin in an expressive way. They are often rare diseases, but they take on importance due to their severity (such as neurocutaneous syndromes), potential for individuals' disability and interference with quality of life. In our country, due to the existence of geographic and cultural niches, favorable to the event of consanguinity, these diseases are observed with some frequency. With this line of research, it is intended to study genodermatoses in their clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects.
Understands the projects:
Identification, characterization and comparison of unusual genodermatoses in our environment
Ichthyosis - evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of retinoic acid derivatives in keratinization disorders
Cutaneous Oncology
Description: The research line aims to investigate the clinical, epidemiological, histopathological, immunopathological and molecular aspects of non-melanoma skin cancer, melanomas, lymphoproliferative processes of the skin and mesenchymal neoplasms.
Understands the projects:
Biological, morphological, immunophenotypic and molecular aspects of non-melanoma skin cancer
Verruciform epidermodysplasia as a model of cutaneous viral oncogenesis
Investigation of melanocytic lesions and malignant melanoma
Investigation in cutaneous lymphomas
Investigation in mesenchymal neoplasms of the skin
The skin as an expression of paraneoplastic manifestations